

the third dimension

the third D


The third dimension
Push Pop : A clone of the original Mariobros game.
  • Push Pop v0.03!! Third version (still buggy) of the famous original Mariobros game. The game is coded in nasm by Ben. Since the game is still in development, feedback or help greatly appreciated.

Download PushPop v0.03

Cat's eyes : Yes, Koubis, the fat and also malicious cat, is taking control of skin-mania !!
  • Skins-mania has a new mascot !! Hum in fact it is the first, but be sure to take a look at the banner above. You can use the dark one if you use dark background and guess what ? The bright one for bright background :) Hum you can use the one you want, even both if you want ;)
  • New animated icons have been added, Koubis strike back ! :)
  • dafugu skin for winamp : version 2.2 : now support of sidamp's skin
  • download the sid plugin for winamp at :
New : Check the new download section : Icons !!
  • Customize your WinCommander launch bar with 16x16 icons for : mirc, teleport pro, photoshop, paint shop pro, modplug player,...
  • New 32x32 icons for Kjofol player, modplug player.
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